Mota-Engil, ABB and Lucios Consortium are disputing Porto’s Slaughterhouse | in Público

A preliminary report will be presented by the jury stating the winner, up to the end of April, provided the decision is not challenged.
The City Hall of Porto has already disclosed the three candidates disputing the total rehabilitation and partial management of the old Industrial Slaughterhouse – the main project for the region of Campanhã, presented two years ago. According with the information given by the autarchy’s website, Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construção, SA, Alexandre Barbosa Borges, SA (ABB) and the company group Alberto Couto Alves, SA and Lúcio da Silva Azevedo & Filhos, SA (Lucios) were the approved candidates. The preliminary results on the winner are to be disclosed at the end of April.
Also, at the end of April is the disclosure of the preliminary decision given by the jury that will be indicating the application in the best position to win, according with the presented assessment model. The candidates will be given the possibility to file indictments or complaints. The final decision by the jury will follow, confirming the winner mentioned in the preliminary report or not.
The winner will be in charge of developing the project for the reconversion of the old Slaughterhouse, estimated in about 15 million euros. The deadline for the execution of this work is two years, preceded by a period of seven months for project completion. The winner is also awarded with the exploitation of the majority of the 20.500 square metres of equipment for 30 years. The remaining 9200 square meters will be managed by the municipal company GO Porto.
The programme for the Slaughterhouse established the rehabilitation of most of the equipment and the demolition of some structures. The project also includes the construction of a new building, in the back of the land, from which there will be a new connection to the subway and parking area of Estádio do Dragão.
The municipality will manage the cultural and social areas – like Museu da Indústria, a museum space for the memories of the building itself, artistic residence areas, one auditorium and workshops – via Go Porto, and the winner of the tender will be awarded with the vastest area, destined to companies and commerce.
Last year, when the tender programme was presented to the Council (during the previous term of office), the councilman Ricardo Valente stated that despite the municipality is paying the concession holder for the areas that will be managed by the former, this may become a “zero cost” operation, because the concession holder will also have to pay Go Porto for the use of a building that shall remain municipal property.
In, Publico